Birth of the blog

This has been years in the making. In every journal I’ve owned in the past 3 years, one of the things I have consistently dreamed and written about is having my own blog. When I used to make goals and resolutions, starting a blog was one for years. I have countless ideas and beginnings of posts saved on my phone, computer and in my journal.

Bits and pieces, never all coming together in to a “finished” product. I think that is where the problem lies. I’ve convinced myself that I need to have something polished, prepared, cohesive, something PERFECT to present to the (blogging) world.

Even AFTER reading a shit ton of articles on “How to be a successful blogger” and “How to start a blog”… I still feel at a loss for where to start. I suppose there is no right or wrong way.

I don’t want to choose a topic to focus my blog on, like many of the above mentioned articles suggest. I don’t want to cater to a" niche". These things seem like limitations to me.

I want to write about my friendships, systematic oppression, my dreams, my ever-changing opinions, feminism, the universe, the beautiful souls in my life, transition, good times, recipes, movies, corporate greed, books, veganism, food, love.. I want to post photos of food, puppies, inspirational quotes, clothing, travel destinations…..

I want whatever I create on this blog to be a direct representation of a part of my soul, at whatever moment in time I choose to express myself.

I’m aware there are a lot of blogs out there that are poorly written, poorly maintained, and that spread hate and negativity. I don’t want this blog to be that way. I want to utilize my writing skills and harness my thoughts and ponderings in a way that people can connect to, resonate with, find inspiration from, smile from, relate to.

A combination of four books I have read in the last month, as well as very strong nudges from my daily horoscopes (more on horoscopes later) have lit the fire under my ass to start this blog, finally.

First was Lena Dunham’s most recent book, Not That Kind of Girl. I connected with Lena in that her imperfect and raw writing really made me realize that it’s not about presenting what you think other people will enjoy. It’s about expressing whatever the fuck is rattling around in your skull in whatever way possible, as a means of delivering pieces of yourself, your consciousness back in to the physical realm. (Okay, that was a little deep…but seriously. Forreals.)

Then I read Amy Poehler’s Yes Please and devoured it in less than 48 hours. Amy’s words were a little more self-helpy than Lena’s, but in the non-judgemental older sibling, stop-crying-about-it-and-just-do-it kind of way. Amy is also almost twice my age, but is extremely relatable and hilarious. Needless to say, I willingly soaked up her wisdom about making dumb choices and living in fear of what others think in our twenties.

By the way, both of these women are badass feminists who are super fucking funny and I laughed out many times while reading their words. I wish I was friends with them and that we could party together. A girl can dream, right?

Currently I am reading two books that have also pushed me to take this leap of faith. I highly HIGHLY recommend both if you’re feeling stuck, in a rut, depressed, shitty, sloppy, blue, at a loss, whatever. Read them both and then read them again.

I bought The Desire Map by Danielle Laporte over a year ago, and am JUST reading it now. I take my inability to get past the first 15-20 pages as a sign that I wasn’t ready for her soulful, kickass words that will make you realize where you are going wrong in seeking change, growth and success in all areas of your life. Hint: it’s all about what makes you feel good.

The second book I’m currently reading is Jen Sincero’s You Are a Badass. This is another hilarious, honest and paradigm-shifting read that will leave you focusing on self-love and how to manifest exactly what you desire in your life.

I just realized that all four of these books are written by fucking amazing women who consistently drop F bombs (as well as a plethora of other curse words) to accentuate their messages. If you like strong, badass women, soul-searching and personal development, humour, rawness, honesty and swear words, check these four books out ASAP!

Welp, there is my first blog post you guys! One massive plug to four incredible women who have inspired me to finally take all of these ideas and get them out there for people to read.

Hope you enjoyed the first of many! Until next time..

xx Jules


Now read this


the amount of guilt or shame i’ve felt in a lifetime around being my self, my honest to goodness human flesh body and soul carrier why does this happen to humans? what possibly possesses us to do such disservice to our selves, our bodies... Continue →