bright privileged faces
carving out precious time to slow down
peeling back layers to connect
to properly disconnect
to rightfully ease in to peace
escaping the cruel edges and cold lines
the soulless eyes and helpless despair
of the unrelenting over stimulating
always unforgiving city life
long comfortable silences
accepted and embraced finally
deep shadows and dim light
erase the grime and inebriation
off of tired, satisfied and loved faces
happily engulfed by the sun in the centre
hours lost in the flickering gaze
a shared meditation silently agreed upon
governed by the symphony of flames
how easy it becomes to forget something
as life-defining as time
every moment baking in to a single experience
how incredible it becomes to gain such pleasure
from observing the simple beauty and awe
of humanity in its most raw states
stumbling upon a shallow pool
teeming with fresh squiggly tadpoles
all literally struggling to survive
all human worries and woes seem absurd
so trivial and nonsensical
such lies we’ve been led to believe
only in the trees will you find such deep pools
in which to dive deeper in to reflection
than is comfortable or easy
mother nature in her purest grace
such effortless chaos
such comfortable primal familiarity
all discomfort becomes forgettable
when all you have to do is accept right now
- in the woods it’s easier.